SAAS ETL platform

To create a software-as-a-service (SAAS) ETL platform for customers to extract, transform, and load data into their data warehouse or other data repository. The data transfer sources are various databases such as Microsoft, Oracle and others. The platform transfers information without requiring a direct connection between databases.

All scope of work was done in an Agile way.
In developing, we used a flexible approach and the ability to add new types of repositories such as file and database formats. Data mapping does not require at least some technical understanding. In general, we use three approaches to choose from: Manual, Semi-automated, Fully automated.
Key Features

The platform provides the ability to receive and transfer various types of files such as excel tables, json files, CSV files, etc. It is easy to transform files and different types of tables. We can create new repositories and databases. Implemented data transfer with a pre-configured schedule.
The platform provides the feature to transfer a large amount of data. Settings can be made visually, for setting up there is no need for a deep understanding of databases for transformation.
The client receives a decision that he can use both one-time and permanent export or data transfer from one format to another, regardless of the data format.
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