Tutor Pro: Innovative platform

Revolutionize your learning!

Our educational platform simplifies learning by integrating video conferencing, task execution functionality, and chat communication. With tools for creating diverse tasks, scheduling and notifying students, as well as integrating external assignments, we create a convenient and efficient educational environment for both instructors and students.

Develop e-Learning platform together

Discover a streamlined, efficient learning experience for students and instructors alike!

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About case

Tutor Pro is an innovative e-learning platform designed to provide high-quality educational resources, interactive courses, and powerful tools for students, teachers, and administrators. Built to support education at any level, this platform offers a seamless learning experience with a structured and engaging approach to knowledge acquisition and skill development. The platform features intelligent automation, an intuitive UI, and robust administrative tools, enabling effortless course management, student tracking, and real-time collaboration. By leveraging a modern tech stack, including React.js, Node.js, PostgreSQL, and AWS cloud services, Tutor Pro ensures scalability, security, and a top-tier user experience for both educators and learners.

Problems we solve

  • Using our platform, teachers and students can easily interact and share information, creating a more interactive and productive learning environment.
  • We help solve the problems associated with scheduling and distributing homework by offering a centralized interface for managing the educational process.
  • Our platform offers a wide range of tools for creating a variety of tasks, planning lessons and notifying students about homework and important events.
  • We help participants focus on the learning process by providing an intuitive interface and tools for interaction and learning.
  • We integrate external assignments and materials, which enriches the educational process and helps students better understand the course material.
  • We help teachers create interactive lessons by supporting student engagement through video, chat and assignments to support effective distance learning.
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Discover a streamlined, efficient learning experience for students and instructors alike!